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Nucleotides are playing central roles in metabolism: they are biomolecules which comprise the structural units of the RNA and the DNA. In biological systems nucleotides are linked by enzymes in order to make long, chainlike polynucleotides of a defined sequence.

Online available information resources about the chemistry and biochemistry of nucleotides.

Further information categories about related topics are listed in the navigation menu on the left side of these page.

[Gen] [Lec] [Nom] [Meta] [Data] [Org]


General Information

Nucleotide Base Codes
Codes Used in Sequence Description - [e]

[Gen] [Lec] [Nom] [Meta] [Data] [Org]


Lecture Notes, Tutorials

Nucleotide synthesis and metabolism
An overview - Format: PDF - [e]

Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids
Lecture notes - [e]

[Gen] [Lec] [Nom] [Meta] [Data] [Org]



Abbreviations and Symbols for Nucleic Acids, Polynucleotides and their Constituents
Recommendations - [e]

Nomenclature for Incompletely Specified Bases in Nucleic Acid Sequences
Recommendations - [e]

Nucleotide Numbering
The nucleotides are shown with standard numbering convention - [e]

[Gen] [Lec] [Nom] [Meta] [Data] [Org]


Metabolism, metabolic pathways

Nucleotide Metabolism
Notes in medical biochemistry - [e]

[Gen] [Lec] [Nom] [Meta] [Data] [Org]


Data and Databases

... finds regions of similarity between biological sequences. NCBI, USA - [e]

... is a database of nucleotide sequences of the CDS (coding sequence) features, as annotated in EMBL database - [e]

EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database
The EMBL-Bank constitutes Europe's primary nucleotide sequence resource. Main sources for DNA and RNA sequences are direct submissions from individual researchers, genome sequencing projects and patent applications - [e]

Entrez Nucleotide Database
... is a collection of sequences from several sources, including GenBank, RefSeq, and PDB. NCBI, USA - [e]

JSNP Database
A database of Japanese Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms - [e]

Nucleotide excision repair
Reference pathway (KO). KEGG, Japan - [e]

Nucleotide sugars metabolism
Reference pathway. KEGG - [e]

Purine metabolism
Reference pathway. KEGG - [e]

Pyrimidine metabolism
Reference pathway. KEGG - [e]

[Gen] [Lec] [Nom] [Meta] [Data] [Org]



International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration
INSD have been developed and maintained collaboratively between DDBJ , EMBL , and GenBank for over 18 years - [e]

Other notes:

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Nucleotides, biochemistry, basics, theory, research
26.02.2012 00:00:00 [link check]
26.02.2012 [site update]

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